September 6 – October 12, 2008

Charles Alston, Emanoel Araújo, Romare Bearden, Chakiai Booker, Frank Bowling, Carol Ann Carter, Nanette Carter, Ed Clark, Robert Colescott, Beauford Delaney, Herbert Gentry, Sam Gillian, David Hammons, Richard Hunt, Bill Hutson, Rashid Johnson, Phyllis Diane Jones, Artis Lane, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Alvin Loving, Richard Mayhew, Charles McGee, Allie McGhee, Tyrone Mitchell, Vincente Pimentel, Howardena Pindell, Betty Saar, Raymond Saunders, John Scott, Charles Searles, Vincent Smith, Bob Thompson, Jack Whitten, Bernard Williams, and William T. Williams.

I’ve always felt a need to help the community, and that, in turn, helps artists. As a dealer, my goal is to help people collect art because it’s an action that enriches the community.

George N’Namdi began collecting art as an undergraduate at Ohio State in the late-sixties. After receiving a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Michigan, he left a successful practice to open Jazzonia, his first gallery in Harmonie Park, Detroit, in 1981. The gallery’s name, derived from the Langston Hughes poem of the same name, captures insight into the influences which inspire the collection and interests of George N’Namdi. A recent appointee to the State of Michigan Arts and Cultural Council, he supports an agenda of cultural enrichment through education and community involvement. This dedication is integral to his network of art galleries operating in Detroit, Chicago, and New York.

Curated by Dick Goody. Full-color catalogue available.

Seminal Works from the N’Namdi Collection of African American Art

September 2008

by Dick Goody

100 pages
